5 Creative Headshot Ideas

Not all brand images needs to look like a conservative and traditional headshot. You can add some flair and interest in creative ways to your branding images and team headshots. Adding creative touches to your headshots can get you noticed— after all they will look different than what may be expected. Being different and standing out is exactly what you want. You want to be remembered and you want to be authentic to your brand, two great reasons to add a creative touch to you headshots on your website, marketing, and business cards.

Sometimes you want to convey a more creative flair to your brand or your brand is more authentically vibrant and colorful. In those cases you want to add a touch or a lot of creativity to your professional images. You can add a bit of spice to your headshots to match your vibe.

  1. Use Color- Color is a powerful tool to connect your brand’s identity to your the brand owner. Color is fun and is something that is hard to pass by without taking notice. You can use monotone color or contracting colors. Color doesn’t have to be vibrant to be creative. Any color that isn’t white, gray, or black is going to be more unique than most headshots you see.

  2. Include a prop- Most brands have an “industry prop/tool.” As a photographer I obviously have a camera, a designer has fabric swatches, an author has their book or a pen, a realtor may have a set of keys or laptop. A prop can add content to your headshot, give your hands something to do, and provide another element to the image.

  3. Expression- What do you think you headshot would look like if you were laughing or full of excitement? You can imagine how you might be seen…. as exciting or happy. You can get creative and show your personality. Which is the who point of a headshot. Headshots can be fun… seriously they can be.

  4. Outfits- Often I would suggest keeping your outfit simple. A simple non-patterned suit or blouse can create a timeless image that you will able to use for a good bit. But… sometimes you don’t want simple or you want to do simple and classic AND creative. You can 100% get creative with your outfits and accessories. I always suggest you remain authentic to you and your brand, but if your brand if young, vibrant, artsy, etc there is no reason you are only seen in a simple suit. The beauty of our headshot session is we can change outfits and get a number of different look. So if you are thinking you want to work a colorful outfit in or something a bit out of the box… bring it!

  5. Location- For personal branding we can chose where we do your shoot. Fun murals, public meeting location, libraries, etc. all of cool touches. Let’s get creative about how this location tells your story.

It is easy to fall into the trap of only doing what you see being done instead of what you really want to show. Being creative doesn’t have to be overboard and even little creative touches can add from props to expression. Make your headshot and branding unique to you!

Still and Wild is a headshots and branding photographer serving the Topeka, Lawrence, Holton, Atchison, and North East Kansas areas. We work with brands to creative captivating headshots and marketing content to boost your online and in person presence. Interested in more information? Check us at at www.stillandwild.com

Kim Bear



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